E-Control Systems (ECS) has the most innovative line of products for all of your wireless temperature monitoring needs. Since all of our products are developed in-house, from hardware to software, we are able to develop and re-develop our products based on the needs and recommendations of our customers, and provide a complete wireless temperature monitoring system.
Commercial Temperature Monitoring Products
IntelliSense™ System – Sensors
At the heart of our temperature monitoring system is our IntelliSense™ System line of products. The IntelliSense™ System comprises our patented intelligent sensors, also known as IntelliSensors™ (U.S. Patent No. 9,064,389). The Intellisense™ family of products is a low cost, feature rich line of hardware, used to wirelessly monitor an assortment of sensor types.
The IntelliSense™ Network works on the 802.11 b/g Wi-Fi industry standard or the 802.15.4 ZigBee® protocol. This self-managing and self-healing sensor network is easily configured for use in small applications (1-10 measurement points in one location) to very large applications (1000+ measurement points in many locations).
ECS offers various IntelliSensor™ Products able to monitor temperatures, door openings, humidity, compressor run-time, refrigerant leaks, power interruption, CO2, Ultra-Low Temperature Freezers (ULT), Liquid Nitrogen Tanks (LN2), dishwasher final rinse temperature, and more.
Our IntelliSensor™ for Dishwasher Final Rinse Temperature (also known as IntelliRinse™) is a unique product offered only by ECS. Using a custom patent-pending algorithm, the unit can measure the water temperature during the final rinse cycle. IntelliRinse™ can report the duration of the rinse cycle and whether the temperature during that cycle was hot enough to properly sanitize the items being washed.
The IntelliChill™ Cook and Chill Management System monitors the chill cycle in a cook chill operation, by allowing users to set up Critical Control Point rules (temperature and time), to ensure that food is brought to the acceptable chilled temperature, in the proper amount of time, as per FDA guidelines.
The brains of the IntelliSense™ System running on the Zigbee® protocol, is our IntelliGate™ web-based gateway. The IntelliGate™ is a feature-rich web-based internet appliance that allows you to access and manage all of the IntelliSensor™ data collected. Through the IntelliGate’s built in secure web server, you can configure and view all of your IntelliSensor™ interfaces, then create alerts based on rules that you set up. IntelliGate™ is configured to relay data securely to our FusionLive™ enterprise software.
Data Loggers are incorporated into both of our IntelliSensor™ and IntelliGate™ hardware, enabling data storage in case of a network or power outage. As soon as network/power is restored, the data loggers will transmit all of the data to the system.
IntelliCheck™ is a complete HACCP inspection system designed to automate food temperature data logging and eliminate cumbersome form-based solutions. The system works in conjunction with our heavy-duty stainless steel probe and any Apple iOS device. Simply insert the probe into any food items and get an instant temperature reading that will be logged in real time. With IntelliCheck™, corrective actions and other preventative maintenace, including Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) checklists, may be taken on the spot directly from your iOS device. You can also view your entire operation on your iOS device, via our free app. IntelliCheck™ can be used as a standalone system, or in conjunction with our IntelliSensors™ for monitoring your equipment, creating one seamless system.
FusionLive™ is an enterprise software package which communicates and manages IntelliSense™ and IntelliCheck™ devices. FusionLive™ comes standard as a web-based hosted solution, but a software license can be purchased for installation on a customer’s local computer.The software comes standard with a complete Asset Management and Preventative Maintenance Module.
The FusionLive™ App may be downloaded, at no cost, from the Google Play Store, or Apple’s App store. With the free app, users can view their operation 24/7 from any smart phone or tablet, literally bringing remote temperature monitoring to their fingertips.
With ECS’ hosted solution, all of your critical data is stored securely in our cloud and available for you to view 24/7 from any computer, smart phone, or tablet. Data is stored in our secure private cloud with server redundancy and automated backups, ensuring that your valuable data is never lost and that your IT resources are not impacted.
E-Control Systems Features
What makes E-Control Systems stand out? Our sensors and intelligates can monitor any aspect business 24/7.