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    Cookies Policy

    E-Control Systems Cookie Policy

     .  . Cookies Policy

    This Cookie Policy explains how E-Control Systems Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates (“E-Control,” “we,” “us,” or “our”) use tracking tools on our website (“Site”), mobile applications, and online Cloud Services to collect information. We use several common tracking tools, and our vendors and other third parties may also use these tools. These may include browser cookies, web beacons, flash cookies and similar technologies.

    What Are Cookies?

    Cookies are small text files which are downloaded to your computer, tablet or mobile phone when you visit a website or application. The website or application may retrieve these cookies from your web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome) each time you visit, so they can recognize you, remember your preferences and provide you with a more secure online experience.

    Generally, cookies are a common and useful method to help to make your online experience as smooth as possible. For security reasons, many websites will not function at all without the use of cookies or other similar technologies, such as “web beacons” or “tags”.

    Cookies generally do not hold any information to identify an individual person, but are instead used to identify a browser on an individual machine. Cookies can be referred to as session cookies or persistent cookies, depending on how long they are used. Session cookies only last for your online session and disappear from your computer or device when you close your browser. Persistent cookies stay on your computer or device after the browser has been closed and last for the period of time specified in the cookie. These persistent cookies may be checked each time you visit the site where the cookie was generated or, in the case of third party cookies, from another site that also uses the same service.

    Web Beacons

    Web beacons are a similar technology to cookies; and just like cookies, they can help to deliver an improved online experience. Essentially, they are a clear picture file that is used to keep track of a customer’s navigation through a website or series or websites.

    They may also be referred to as “tags”, and are normally used by websites that use third party traffic monitoring and tracking services, such as web analytics. Web beacons can be used in combination with cookies to gain an understanding of how a website’s users navigate through the site.

    Types of Cookies We Use

    Below, we list the various types of cookies we use and the purposes they perform. Please note that the specific cookies we may use vary depending on the part of our Site you visit.

    Necessary cookies

    These cookies are essential in helping you to make use of the features and services we offer on our Site. Without these cookies, the services you want to use (such as managing a device) cannot be provided. These cookies do not gather information about you that could be used to identify you, and they do not monitor or remember other websites you have visited.

    Functional cookies

    These cookies allow us to provide you with a better online experience when you use our Site. They do not gather or store any Personal Information.

    Performance cookies

    Performance cookies help us to understand how our customers use our Site, so we can keep our Products relevant, easy to use and up to date. For example, we can see which Products are most popular, identify when and where errors occur, and test different versions of a page in order to provide an improved online experience.

    Sometimes, the services we use to collect this information may be operated by other companies on our behalf. They may use similar technologies to cookies, known as “web beacons” or “tags”. These are anonymous and, as they are only used for statistical purposes, they do not contain or collect any Personal Information.

    Cookies are Used On This Website

    We set some cookies directly, and we also make use of some services which set their own cookies. We believe it is important to be clear about any cookies that are being set, so we have provided a list to explain this to you.

    These are cookies set by us, and are often referred to as first-party cookies. You will not necessarily see all of the cookies referenced below stored on your machine after visiting our Site. Some will depend on how you got here and the features and Products that you viewed during your visit.

    Although we audit the types of cookies that are used on our Site, it is possible that the services we use may make changes to their cookie names and purposes. Some services, particularly social networks such as Facebook and Twitter, change their cookies regularly. Although we always aim to show you up-to-date information, we may not be able to reflect these changes in our Cookie Policy immediately.

    Essential CookiesThese cookies are essential for the operation of our website to function and for you to access secure areas of the website. This cookie is deleted when you close your browser. If you disable these cookies, our site may not be fully operational.
    Performance CookiesThese cookies collect information on how you use our websites and services and allow us to customize your experience based on your history and within our service platforms, may return you to your last location and page. These cookies do not personally identify you. If you disable or opt out of these cookies, our site may not be fully operational to you.
    Functionality CookiesThese cookies allow us to remember your preferences. It allows us to retain your preferences on page formatting, removes redundancy in pop-up messages and survey requests. If you disable or opt out of these cookies, your preferences will not be retained.
    Analytics CookiesThese cookies collect information we use to analyze how our website and services are being used, any errors that occurred, and improvements we can make for the benefit of our visitors and subscribers. We use this data in aggregate form.
    Advertising CookiesThese cookies collect information about your browsing or shopping history and are used to make advertising messages personal to you. We may share this information with third parties to create and deliver personalized advertising. If you disable or opt out of these cookies, it may reduce the support or information we can provide you.
    Social Networking CookiesThese cookies enable you to share pages and content on our website and services through third-party social networking and other websites. These cookies may also be used for advertising purposes.

    How Do I Manage Cookies?

    Most internet browsers allow you to erase cookies from your computer hard drive, block all cookies (or just third party cookies) or warn you before a cookie is stored on your device.

    Rather than blocking all cookies, you can choose to only block third party cookies which will still allow our Site to function as intended.

    Do the Cookies Store My Personal Information?

    The cookies used by this Site do not contain any Personal Information about you.

    • They don’t store your name
    • They don’t store your address
    • They don’t store any payment details
    • You will not receive any calls or mail as a result of a cookie

    The information you provide us with is stored securely and is not collected or stored in any cookies. Cookies can’t access your computer, or read any personal material you may have stored. Our cookies are not able to install anything harmful on your computer. In fact, the content of most cookies is a random string of numbers and letters that are only used as an identifier.

    Do Cookies Effect My Privacy and How Do You Use My Data?

    We want to ensure that we are clear about your privacy when using our Site.

    Can I Still Use E-Control Systems If I Block All Cookies?

    If you choose to block all cookies, our Site will not function as intended and you will not be able to use or access many of the services we provide. If you have blocked all cookies and wish to make full use of the features and services we offer, you will need to enable your cookies.

    If you have any questions or concerns about our use of cookies or our cookie policy, please email us at

    Cookies Placed By Third Parties

    You may also encounter cookies on our websites, applications and services that are placed by third parties. For example, when you buy our products online, our e-commerce vendor may use cookies and other technologies. We may also allow third parties to place cookies on our websites to track information about your online activities and/or across third-party sites or online services, including to send you targeted advertisements based on that information, which may include the remarketing of our products and services that you have viewed on our websites and on third-party websites.

    This Cookie Policy does not apply to the cookies, applications, technologies, or websites that are owned and/or operated by third parties, or such third parties’ practices, even if they use or access our technology to store or collect information. To understand how third parties use cookies, please review their privacy and cookie policies.

    Controlling and Opting Out of Cookies

    Your browser or device may offer settings that allow you to choose whether browser cookies are set and to delete them. For more information about these controls and to exercise your cookie preferences, visit your browser or device’s help material. If you choose to reject cookies, as noted above, you may not be able to use certain features of our websites and services.

    Do Not Track

    Some browsers include the ability to transmit “Do Not Track” signals. We do not process or respond to “Do Not Track” signals. Instead, we adhere to the standards described in this Cookie Policy.