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    Remote Food Safety Monitoring System

    Your food service operation should get recognition for quality of food and service, and not for lack of food safety and cleanliness. While this is an obvious statement and everyone strives to achieve quality and safety, there are certain tools that can make sure that you achieve your goals.

    Food Safety Inspection Equipment & Tools

    Your Foodservice operation should get recognition for quality of food and service, and not for lack of food safety and cleanliness. While this is an obvious statement and everyone strives to achieve quality and safety, there are certain tools that can make sure that you achieve your goals.

    A few tools that you should have and implement include:

    • A temperature monitoring system that allows you to view your entire operation
    • Knowledge of the different risk violations that could result in the closure of your food facility
    • Monitoring your food temperatures on a regular basis, to make sure that all food is maintained at the proper approved temperatures
    • Make sure you are following the right steps in washing your hands before handling food
    • Make sure to establish a cleaning program/schedule for your facility

    With the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimating that approximately 1 in 6 Americans get sick from foodborne illness, proper food handling techniques and implementing the tools mentioned above is vital to any foodservice operation.

    Every foodservice operation should conduct a monthly self-audit, which should include a food safety checklist. This monthly self-audit can help reduce and/or eliminate any health code violations and provide the facility a valuable assessment of the facility’s strengths, weaknesses, and where improvements could be made.

    The food safety checklist self-audit should be completed by a person who is designated to be “in charge.” The designated person must assess whether the standards in the checklist are met. If any of the standards are not met, then the person must complete a “corrective” action and make sure that the corrective action be taken to meet the standard. The designated person should initial his/her name and provide a date next to every action that they oversee on the checklist.

    E-Control Systems can help to automate your food safety process and make your facility more efficient. Our wireless temperature monitoring solution for the Food service industry is a fully automated enterprise-wide solution that makes it easy to monitor your entire food service operation and comply with all safety requirements, including HACCP.

    Our IntelliSense™ solution enables you to effortlessly monitor all of your equipment temperatures 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and receive alerts should any reading be out of range. Besides temperatures, E-Control Systems can also monitor humidity and door openings. All readings are stored in our secure private cloud and if those readings are in violation (too warm or too cold), alerts can be sent to one or multiple people with notification of the problem.

    Our IntelliCheck™ System is a complete HACCP inspection system designed to automate food temperature data logging and eliminate cumbersome form-based solutions. The entire operation can be monitored and corrective actions can be taken on the spot from any iOS device, including an iPod touch, iPhone, or iPad. Safety, cleaning, and various other checklists can be pre-programmed into the system.

    By combining our IntelliSense™ and IntelliCheck™ product lines, you receive a complete HACCP and operation management system with preventative maintenance. The result is a cost effective, easily installed solution that simplifies HACCP compliance, improves food safety, prevents inventory loss, and ultimately reduces your overall workload.

    For more information about what E-Control Systems can do for your food service business, take a look at our Food Service solutions.