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Proper nutrition is important for both adults and children. The USDA has a great website for information on all aspects of food nutrition. The website is aptly called The website helps individuals make informed decisions regarding their eating habits. Many child nutrition departments at schools have adopted this website and use the literature on their district websites and in the school cafeterias.
The idea of the MyPlate campaign is to simplify what a healthy food plate should look like. The MyPlate graphic is a brightly colored dinner plate with color-coded sections showing what food should be on the plate. These foods include: fruits, grains, vegetables, protein, and a side of dairy. The MyPlate graphic takes the place of the USDA’s previous MyPyramid symbol. The graphic is used across the federal government, as well as by schools, grocery stores, restaurants, privately held companies, and various other people dealing with food.
The USDA provides many great tools and tips for making food choices for a healthy lifestyle. Among the useful information they provide are 10 tips for creating a great plate. These include:
Besides the right balance of food on a plate, it is important that food be heated to the proper temperature. Heating foods to the right temperature for the proper amount of time will kill harmful bacteria that cause foodborne illness. The easiest way to ensure that this happens is by using an automated HACCP Food Inspection system with a temperature probe.
E-Control Systems’ IntelliCheck™ System has a temperature probe that plugs into any Apple iOS device, including an iPhone, iPod touch or iPad. Download the free app from the App store and the temperature probe will take an instant temperature reading and transmit and log it to the system in real time. Never worry about what the appropriate temperature is, because the app comes pre-programmed with all food temperatures. Just choose the appropriate food item on your touchscreen, insert the probe into the food, and you will get an instant reading, as well as whether that temperature is in the appropriate recommended range. E-Control Systems helps you take the guesswork out of USDA recommended temperatures.
With the combination of the right foods on your plate and the appropriate temperatures of these foods, you can ensure a healthier lifestyle.
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