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     . Blog  . Types of Kitchen Bacteria in Food

    Types of Kitchen Bacteria in Food

    Bacteria and viruses are everywhere, and we live with them every day. Many of them are harmless, and some of them can even be beneficial. Despite this, we’ve picked the top six examples that you would definitely not want in your kitchen, and why.

    Common Kitchen Bacteria and Viruses

    1. E-Coli

    E-Coli is common and many strains are actually harmless for humans. However, ther harmful strains can cause food poisoning. While they are destroyed in the cooking process, E-Coli is not something anyone needs in their kitchen.

    2. Campylobacter

    Food poisoning from campylobacter can come from contaminated food and water and can lead to Diarrhea, fever and vomiting that lasts several days.

    3. Staphylococcus Aureus

    Staphylococcus is a fast growing bacteria that can also produce toxins which can cause sickness. People often carry staphylococci in their bodies, according to the Department of Health, but it is once the bacteria gets onto food that it can be harmful. Staphylococcus grows and multiplies quickly, and also produces a toxin that can cause sickness. The fact that the toxin is not destroyed by the cooking process makes it even more dangerous.

    4. Clostridium

    Clostridium is commonly found in soil and in the intestinal tract of animals and humans. One strand known as clostridium botulinum can cause botulism, a very severe foodborn illness that can be fatal.

    5. Listeria

    Listeria is a bacteria that is carried by most animals and humans without harm if they are healthy. Listeria can be dangerous for pregnant women, people with lowered immunity, and the elderly. This is the reason that these groups of people are often advised to avoid soft cheeses, uncooked eggs, and some types of processed meats. Listeria is killed by heat during cooking.

    6. Salmonella

    Salmonella is the bacteria most often heard when an outbreak of food-born illness occurs. The illness comes from the bacteria itself and not from a toxin, as is the case with some other types of bacteria. It mostly results from poor handling of certain foods. Usually eggs, seafood and meat. For vulnerable people in particular, salmonella poisoning can be very serious.

    With this many types of bacteria threatening your kitchen the importance of a temperature monitoring systems is paramount. While proper cooking and training your staff in best practices is a must, a temperature monitoring system will be the first line of defense to these bacteria.

    For more information about what E-Control Systems can do for your food service business, take a look at our Food Service solutions.